DIY Custom Voice Feature was one of the most anticipated features for LOVO Genny users, and it certainly has lived up to the hype as one of the hottest add-ons we’ve provided to date.

We’ve been flooded with questions and comments around enhancing the quality of created voices, so I am going to share a few tips and tricks that will help your voice come out clearer and more natural.

1) Mic 🎤

As you can imagine, the most important tool in the arsenal of anyone recording any form of audio is the mic. If you are ok with your resulting voice sounding like it’s coming from a computer, then you don’t need to invest in one, but if you are interested in getting anywhere near the “studio-quality” with your voice, then invest in a mic, even if it’s something in the $50~100 range from Amazon (

2) Environment 👂

You’ve got a working mic, so let’s look for a nice quiet spot without the buzz of a fan or the humming of a fridge, white noise from electronics, or echos reverberating off the walls. Any form of background noise in your recording will translate to the finished audio.

3) Energy 🔥

A great mic and a perfect environment will be wasted without energy. As humans, it is natural for us to fall into a doldrum when reading texts that aren’t of interest to us, but keep reminding yourself that “this is fun, exciting, and exhilarating”. I mean, it should be!


Read with gusto, because you don’t want to turn your texts into audio, only to hear a drawn out voice tiredly mumbling the words. Be dynamic, energetic, passionate, intentional, or any of the words that stick with you – remember that the voice you record in is the voice that you will get.

4) Be consistent in your pronunciation 🎯

Imagine you are teaching a child how to read “1999” for the first time.

First time you read it as “nineteen ninety-nine”, second time as “one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine”, and third time as “one nine nine nine”.

If you ask that child how to read that number on their own next time they see it, they are going to say one of the three things with a 33% chance each. Or worse off, they’ll think of an abomination like “one thousand nine ninety-nine”.

5) Be consistent in your punctuations 💯

In the same line of thought as 4), make sure you are expressing the same emotion, tone, and pitch, as well as the length of pause, for the 4 major punctuations. Think in your head how you want to express each punctuation, how long of a pause you want to give for each, and stick to it when you are reading the script. It’s tough, but you can do it!

– Comma (,)

– Period (.)

– Exclamation Mark (!)

– Question Mark (?)

6) You don’t have to be perfect, but you better try 💫

A study says that nobody can read for more than 10 minutes without making a mistake, whether it be mispronouncing a word, misplacing a word (adding or skipping), or accenting on the wrong syllable. Ok, there isn’t an actual study, but I know you empathized with that claim when you read it.

It’s ok not to be perfect, but you better try to be. And if you make a mistake, LOVO’s tool allows you to re-record just that part. Don’t be lazy, do it. You’ll thank yourself when you get the created video in a couple of days.

7) 50 sentences is enough, but the more the merrier 🧠

Consider 50 as the passing threshold.

Some are content with passing, or getting a D, C, B, or even an A.

And then there are others who just have to get that A+.

And then there’s that handful of folks who have to get everything right 😱

The choice is yours, but so is the consequence (“cough” do more if you can “cough”)

🚧 Let’s get to creating! 🚀

As always, if you are not sure how to execute on any of the above tips, or if you are simply curious on how you can further improve your recording quality, shoot us an email at

More tips and tricks for you:
How to Create a Professional Voiceover in 5 Minutes
How to Choose the Right Music for Your Content